Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Hello mrs hinojosa imma miss you hard core next year,,, hope you have a good one (;

Monday, April 6, 2009


:) LIVE :D LAUGH <3>

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

To Mrs. Hinojosa

What I like about this class is that we all get to have fun and actually get to learn something for example doing fun projects. But the power point to be doing the hotel thing to find out how much it costs. I kind of did not like it because we didn't have that much of time you should give the next semester like a week. You know some people actually concentrate when their listening to music. I most likely i am starting to like this class and I don't want to leave now. What you should do to the other kids is treat them worst like to harm them to death. I'm just kidding. I love your class I don't know why I do. We learned the MYP design cycle. Yeah you freaked me out when you gave me the  detention sheet I was like why did you give it to me and they told me that it was a warning sheet for the 8Th graders. So I got released I love your class but sometimes you get a little too mad. But don't get mad at me so there that's all I could think of oh yeah and  Mr. Schu's class gets too loud so don't get to easy on them like Mrs. Gilbert. She gets an easy headache. So I'm just giving you a warning.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Yes because you actually you want to win a million and you loose. Like get one wrong you actually have to do it all over again. Also you could get to memorize it better not just get on wrong and keep on.

Monday, January 12, 2009